11 Systems

How Would You Build a City?

Even managing an existing city is too much for one person. Cities work because they have teams of people who manage particular parts of the city, the water systems, power systems, traffic, law enforcement, building codes, and so forth. Cities also work because they have evolved appropriate levels of abstraction and modularity that make it possible for individuals and the “components” they manage to work effectively, even without understanding the big picture. Although software teams are often organized like that too, the systems they work on often don’t have the same separation of concerns and levels of abstraction. Clean code helps us achieve this at the lower levels of abstraction.

Separate Constructing a System from Using It

Construction is a very different process from use. Software systems should separate the startup process, when the application objects are constructed and the dependencies are “wired” together, from the runtime logic that takes over after startup.
The startup process is a concern that any application must address. The separation of concerns is one of the oldest and most important design techniques in our craft. One occurrence of LAZY-INITIALIZATION isn’t a serious problem, of course. However, there are normally many instances of little setup idioms like this in applications. Hence, the global setup strategy (if there is one) is scattered across the application, with little modularity and often significant duplication. If we are diligent about building well-formed and robust systems, we should never let little, convenient idioms lead to modularity breakdown. The startup process of object construction and wiring is no exception. We should modularize this process separately from the normal runtime logic and we should make sure that we have a global, consistent strategy for resolving our major dependencies.

Separation of Main

One way to separate construction from use is simply to move all aspects of construction to main, or modules called by main, and to design the rest of the system assuming that all objects have been constructed and wired up appropriately.


Sometimes we need to make the application responsible for when an object gets created. In this case we can use the ABSTRACT FACTORY pattern to give the application control of when to build objects, but keep the details of that construction separate from the application code.

Dependency Injection

A powerful mechanism for separating construction from use is Dependency Injection (DI), the application of Inversion of Control (IoC) to dependency management. An object should not take responsibility for instantiating dependencies itself. Instead, it should pass this responsibility to another “authoritative” mechanism, thereby inverting the control. Because setup is a global concern, this authoritative mechanism will usually be either the “main” routine or a special-purpose container. An object asking a directory server to provide a “service” matching a particular name is a “partial” implementation of DI. True Dependency Injection goes one step further. The class takes no direct steps to resolve its dependencies; it is completely passive. Instead, it provides setter methods or constructor arguments (or both) that are used to inject the dependencies.

Scaling Up

It is a myth that we can get systems “right the first time.” Instead, we should implement only today’s stories, then refactor and expand the system to implement new stories tomorrow. This is the essence of iterative and incremental agility. Test-driven development, refactoring, and the clean code they produce make this work at the code level.
Software systems are unique compared to physical systems. Their architectures can grow incrementally, if we maintain the proper separation of concerns. The original EJB1 and EJB2 architectures did not separate concerns appropriately and thereby imposed unnecessary barriers to organic growth. The business logic is tightly coupled to the EJB2 application “container.” You must subclass container types and you must provide many lifecycle methods that are required by the container. It is common in EJB2 beans to define “data transfer objects” (DTOs) that are essentially “structs” with no behavior. This usually leads to redundant types holding essentially the same data, and it requires boilerplate code to copy data from one object to another.

Cross-Cutting Concerns

Concerns like persistence tend to cut across the natural object boundaries of a domain. You want to persist all your objects using generally the same strategy, for example, using a particular DBMS versus flat files, following certain naming conventions for tables and columns, using consistent transactional semantics, and so on.
In principle, you can reason about your persistence strategy in a modular, encapsulated way.Yet, in practice, you have to spread essentially the same code thatimplements the persistence strategy across many objects. The way the EJB architecture handled persistence, security, and transactions, “anticipated” aspect-oriented programming (AOP), which is a general-purpose approach to restoring modularity for cross-cutting concerns. In AOP, modular constructs called aspects specify which points in the system should have their behavior modified in some consistent way to support a particular concern. Let us look at three aspects or aspect-like mechanisms in Java.

Java Proxies

Java proxies are suitable for simple situations, such as wrapping method calls in individual objects or classes. However, the dynamic proxies provided in the JDK only work with interfaces. To proxy classes, you have to use a byte-code manipulation library.
We define an interface, which will be wrapped by the proxy, and a Plain-Old Java Object (POJO) that implements the business logic.
The code “volume” and complexity are two of the drawbacks of proxies. They make it hard to create clean code!

Pure Java AOP Frameworks

Fortunately, most of the proxy boilerplate can be handled automatically by tools. Proxies are used internally in several Java frameworks, for example, Spring AOP and JBoss AOP, to implement aspects in pure Java. In Spring, you write your business logic as Plain-Old Java Objects. POJOs are purely focused on their domain. They have no dependencies on enterprise frameworks (or any other domains). Hence, they are conceptually simpler and easier to test drive.
A client believes it is invoking method on a POJO, but it is actually talking to the outermost of a set of nested DECORATOR objects that extend the basic behavior of the POJO. We could add other decorators for transactions, caching, and so forth. EJB3 largely follows the Spring model of declaratively supporting cross-cutting concerns using XML configuration files and/or Java 5 annotations.

AspectJ Aspects

The most full-featured tool for separating concerns through aspects is the AspectJ language, an extension of Java that provides “first-class” support for aspects as modularity constructs. The drawback of AspectJ is the need to adopt several new tools and to learn new language constructs and usage idioms.

Test Drive the System Architecture

The power of separating concerns through aspect-like approaches can’t be overstated. If you can write your application’s domain logic using POJOs, decoupled from any architecture concerns at the code level, then it is possible to truly test drive your architecture.
It is not necessary to do a Big Design Up Front (BDUF). In fact, BDUF is even harmful because it inhibits adapting to change, due to the psychological resistance to discarding prior effort and because of the way architecture choices influence subsequent thinking about the design.
Building architects have to do BDUF because it is not feasible to make radical architectural changes to a large physical structure once construction is well underway. We can start a software project with a “naively simple” but nicely decoupled architecture, delivering working user stories quickly, then adding more infrastructure as we scale up.
Of course, this does not mean that we go into a project “rudderless.” We have some expectations of the general scope, goals, and schedule for the project, as well as the general structure of the resulting system. However, we must maintain the ability to change course in response to evolving circumstances.
An optimal system architecture consists of modularized domains of concern, each of which is implemented with Plain Old Java (or other) Objects. The different domains are integrated together with minimally invasive Aspects or Aspect-like tools. This architecture can be test-driven, just like the code.

Optimize Decision Making

Modularity and separation of concerns make decentralized management and decision making possible. In a sufficiently large system, whether it is a city or a software project, no one person can make all the decisions.
It is best to postpone decisions until the last possible moment. This isn’t lazy or irresponsible; it lets us make informed choices with the best possible information.

Use Standards Wisely, When They Add DemonstrableValue

Standards make it easier to reuse ideas and components, recruit people with relevant experience, encapsulate good ideas, and wire components together. However, the process of creating standards can sometimes take too long for industry to wait, and some standards lose touch with the real needs of the adopters they are intended to serve.

Systems Need Domain-Specific Languages

Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) are separate, small scripting languages or APIs in standard languages that permit code to be written so that it reads like a structured form of prose that a domain expert might write.
A good DSL minimizes the “communication gap” between a domain concept and the code that implements it. DSLs, when used effectively, raise the abstraction level above code idioms and design patterns.

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